Addressing Sproxi Validation Errors
After adding your new eCommerce channel to Sproxi & connecting your Google Merchant Center Account, Sproxi will immediately begin Validating your newly created Google Listings. This KB article discusses the most common validation errors & how to quickly correct them.
For new listings, the most common validation error is usually titled as “Insufficient product identifiers.” Below is a screen shot from a demo Sproxi account.
You will notice that there are 22 products that all have the same validation error. The Google “Product Data Specification” requires two out of three (2 out of 3) attributes to “uniquely distinguish products you are selling and help match search queries with your offers.” (Click here to learn more “about unique product identifiers.”) Upon initial creation of your Google Listings, Sproxi begins validating your products against the basic Google specs. Sproxi will not export a listing to the Google Merchant Center until you have a) enable exports, and b) the listing passes local validation.
The screenshot below is taken from a demo WooCommerce account connected to Sproxi. You will notice that there are twenty-two (22) products that are “missing two out of three attributes.” If you are familiar with WooCommerce you know this is a common problem as MPN, GTIN, and Brand are not standard product field.

By clicking this validation error, the module expands to show all twenty-two (22) listings that have this same error.

If there are only a couple of listings that have this error, you may want to correct these listing one at a time. However, for 22 errors, you may want to try to fix them all at once.
There are a variety of ways to address these issue in Sproxi. Below will will cover three different methods, listed from lowest to highest priority level–meaning, “bulk editing” will override any field mappings done above, and writing directly into the Google Attribute field will override all methods. For example, suppose you map the product “SKU” to the Google Attribute field “MPN” using the “Field Map” tool. Sproxi will send your listings to the Google Merchant Center with the SKU inserted into the MPN attribute field as the “Processed Value.” Supposed there are handful of products where you have different MPN requirements. You could bulk select these products and apply a custom field, metadata, or even a recipe. These products WILL NOT use the SKU as mapped in the “Field Map,” but rather what you specifically mapped in the bulk selector tool. To completely understand how data is prioritized in Sproxi, please read the KB articles titled, Understanding Data Priority in Your Google Listing and Understanding Data Source & the Data Source Legend.
Using the Field Map to Correct Validation issues
Using the “Field Map,” “CONNECTIONS>Google>Field Map” is used to map a Sproxi product field, WooCommerce Listing field, or recipe to a Google attribute field. This is “global” in the sense that it will apply to ALL of your Google Listings, except if a mapping or direct manual writing is applied at the product level.
Note: We have added new features to the field map in Sproxi. The concept is basically the same.
For details of using the field mapping tool, consult the KB article titled, Using the Sproxi Field Map.

Once mappings are selected, clicking the “Save” button will trigger Sproxi to begin the validation process again.
Bulk Edit Google Listings to Correct Multiple Validation Issues at Onces
Sproxi features a bulk select tool to enable you to edit and map your Google Listings at the “Product” Listings level. Any edits or mappings here will override global mappings as set using the Field Map.
Navigate to the Google Listings table by clicking on “CONNECTIONS>Google> Listings.” Next, search for the Google listings you want to edit using the search box or the table sort features. Once you have located the listings you want to edit, select them using the check box. Once you have selected specific listings, you will notice four buttons appear.

Each button will represent a data type to map to a specific Google Field. For example, selecting the “Meta” field allows to map a “Metadata” field from the connected WooCommerce store to a selected Google Field.

Once the “Submit” button is clicked, Sproxi will being to validate the specific selected products again.
Correcting this Error One Product at a Time by Directly Writing Into Google Attribute Field
When writing data directly into the “Google Value” field, the data will take priority over all other mappings and/or data applied through the bulk edit process. Data written into the Google Value will become the “Processed Value.”
Navigate to the specific Google Listing you want to correct/fix and click the edit icon to edit the listing.

To correct this issue on this product, scroll down the page and enter a) a GTIN value, or b) a brand & MPN value in the white boxes under the “Google Value” column. (See the KB article that explains the “Google Value” & the “Processed Value”
In this screen shot you will notice that I entered a fake GTIN & also a Brand.
*Note: it is confusing the way this requirement is worded in the Product Data Specification. Basically, if you do not have a GTIN you can use the MPN & Brand. If you use the GTIN, that will suffice, however, Brand is still a mandatory requirement.

After entering these values & clicking the “save” button, Sproxi will immediately validate this product against the Google specification.
*Note: upon any product data change, Sproxi will automatically validate the product.

Notice the green “Success” message notifying you that “Validation issues have been successfully resolved. ”