In Sproxi, a Google Merchant Account must be connected to a specific shopping cart you have connected in Sproxi. This is because a Google Merchant Center feed must have a corresponding online shopping cart. If you need help setting up your shopping cart in Sproxi, please read the KB article titled “How to Setup Your Shopping Cart to Sproxi.”
How to Connect/Add a Google Merchant Center Account in Sproxi
First, click on “YOUR CONNECTIONS > Google Merchant > Accounts.” Once there, click on the “Add Account” button in blue.

Next, name the account, for your reference, in the “Name*” field.
In the “Merchant ID*” field, insert the merchant center ID from your Google Merchant Center Account. This number is usually located in the upper-right hand corner when logged into the Google Merchant Center.
In the drop-down box labeled “E-Commerce Channel*,” select the associated shopping cart.

After filling out this data, click the green button labeled “Continue.” Sproxi will direct you back to the account screen. You should see a message letting you know that you need to authorize the Google account.

Next you need to “authorize” the Google Account. You may need to login to your connected Google Merchant Center Account. Next you will be presented with a dialog box from Google asking whether you authorize Sproxi to view your Google data, click the “continue” button.

After this step, your Google Merchant Center Account is authorized in Sproxi and ready to go. In the background, Sproxi will begin building out your Google Listings and begin the local validation process. We have a KB article describing local validation, but basically, it’s a feature in Sproxi to prevent you sending listings to the GMC that are going to get reject because they do not meet the minimum requirements.
*NOTE: by default, after you Google Merchant Account is authorized, Sproxi will disable exports to the GMC. This is another security feature of Sproxi. We assume you have some work to do in Sproxi to get your listings at a level you are comfortable with. Enabling the feed (sending exports) is easy to do and can be enabled at any time.
Watch This Short Recording of Setting Up a Demo Account in the Google Merchant Center