Google Product Listings provide a quick way to edit your Google listing title and description, with a link to the full editor, allowing you to edit all aspects of the product.

Click the Google Listings link.   The link is located under “Connections > Google > Listings” in the left menu.

The listing title and description are the two most important elements for your Google listing.  Not only do these affect how and when Google displays your listing, it will also affect the click through rate for your listings.  

In addition, some users want to create a separate title and description for their Google listings versus the data in the store that is originating the feed. The problem most users have is the fact that editing the data, whether through your website, a CSV, Google Sheet, or other application is little more difficult that it should be.  This table  provides a quick and easy way to edit the data.

Using Sproxi, there are several ways to populate the data for your Google listings data fields.  The data contained in the “Google Product Listings” table show the data as it currently is, or will be, in the Google feed in the Google Merchant Center.

Prior to editing any Google Listings, please visit the knowledge base article “Understanding Data Priority in Your Google Listing” and “Understanding Defined & Processed Data.”  As a quick note, “processed” means the data in the Google field was put there through a mapping.  “Defined” means the data was written directly into the Google field.

Using Sproxi's Google Product Listings Table to Edit Products

1.  Locate the Product You Would Like to Edit:

  • Use the search box on top of the table to search for a product using the “Google Offer ID” (SKU) and/or words in the product title.
  • Find products using the listings “Status.”
  • Sort products by clicking the “Google Offer ID” column header.


sproxi google listings table find products

Edit the Google Listing Title Field:

  • Click the data contained in the “Title” field for the product you are editing.
  • Type in the new title.
  • Click the green “Save” button.
  • NOTE:  once you write something directly into the Google field, it will be “Defined” value.  If you want to see the “Defined” values, select “Defined” in the Data drop-down mean near the top of the table.
sproxi google listings edit field

Edit the Google Listing Description Field:

  • Click the data contained in the “Description” field for the product you are editing.  Note: if the field is currently empty, you will see this: […].
  • Clicking on the field opens up a WYSIWYG editor.
  • Edit or type in the description.
  • Click the save “Save Button.”
  • NOTE:  once you write something directly into the Google field, it will be “Defined” value.  If you want to see the “Defined” values, select “Defined” in the Data drop-down mean near the top of the table.
sproxi google listings edit desc

Edit Other Fields in the Google Listing

There’s two ways to edit other fields contained in your Google listings; 1) all fields may be edited by selecting the product and clicking the edit icon, or 2) directly click the title and description directly in the table (only for title and description.)

  • Click on the edit icon located under the “Actions” column header.
  • Click on the link that reads “Open in Full Editor.”
  • Edit or create data in the “Google Value” fields.  Before editing the data here, we recommend visiting the KB article “Understanding the Sproxi Data Hierarchy.”
sproxi google edit listings icon