Navigate to “OPTIONS” and click the “Add a New Connection” link.

add new connection in Sproxi

Click the channel you would like to connect to Sproxi.  In this example, I am clicking the “Shopify” block.

add new connection show blocks

Add a name for the connection for your reference.  For the domain name, use the Shopify domain name given to you by Shopify.  Do not use a custom domain name here.

For example, for a demo Shopify store we have, “” is what Shopify calls a “Third-party domain.”  Do not enter this domain here.

You want to use the “Shopify-managed domain,” which in this case is  After entering the information, click the green “continue” button.

sproxi adding new shopify store boxes entered

After clicking the continue button, Sproxi will redirect you to “YOUR CONNECTIONS > Shopify > Accounts,” where you will see the following screen.

Now, the account needs to be authorized with Shopify.  Click the yellow button labeled “Authorize Now.”  

need to authorize a new Shopify site

Assuming there were no issues, Sproxi will authorize the Shopify account and display a success message.

Shopify account was authorized notice screen

After successfully authorizing the account, you can now import listings from that channel.  Please read the KB article titled, “How to Import Shopping Cart Listings.”