"Tags" in Sproxi
In Sproxi, tags are found by navigating to “PRODUCT MANAGEMENT > Other > Tags.” Tags are associate with “Sproxi Products” and are generated by importing products from a shopping cart, created in Sproxi, imported through a spreadsheet, or custom created. We associate Tags to Sproxi products so they may be used universally throughout the application. For example, using a tag to map to a Google attribute field.
In addition, those same tags may be found by navigating to your shopping channel (like WooCommerce or Shopify) and clicking the “tags” menu item.

Using a Tag in Google Field Mappings
There are a variety of ways you can use tags in Sproxi. Here we are going to explore using tags to map to a Google attribute field, specifically, the field “Custom Label 0.”
In this scenario, I have used different tags on products to note ones I do not want to advertise on Google. For example, products I am liquidating, on clearance, or very low margin are products I do not want to advertise in Google shopping. By creating field maps, I am going to map these tags to the Google attribute field “Custom Label 0” and in my Adwords account, create a rule that excludes these products from any advertising.
I am going to create mapping rules that will search for products that contain the specified tag and put the word “exclude” into Custom Label 0. Now, when I’m creating rules in my Adwords account, I can simply exclude products with “exclude” in Custom Label 0.
Go to the Field Map Tool in Sproxi
The Field Map Tool in Sproxi is where you map a field’s data contained in Sproxi to a particular Google attribute, in this case, Custom Label 0. For additional information on field maps, please reference the knowledge base article, Using Sproxi Field Maps. To navigate to the field map too, go to “CONNECTIONS > Google Merchant > Field Map” in the left-hand navigation.

"Create a New Map"
After clicking the “Field Map” navigation on the left, click the associated “Go To Field Map” button in blue.

Next, click the green “Create New Map” button. You will notice on the screenshot below there are several entries showing. Each of these are what we call “Maps” in Sproxi.
Each “Map” within a “Field Map” is some data in Sproxi mapped to a Google attribute field.
Mapping Terms to Know:
- Google Field Map Target: this is the Google Attribute Field the map will apply data to. The map will essentially insert data into this field.
- Map Source: this is the data withing Sproxi that will be used. For example, if you have an attribute in your WooCommerce store named “clearance item,” you would select “attributes. This is where the Field Map tool will find the data. Depending on the sourced data selected, Sproxi will offer you different choices we will briefly explain below.
- Attributes: these are imported from your connected shopping channels or created in Sproxi. Next, select the attribute you want used.
- Custom Fields: these are custom fields YOU created in Sproxi. Once you selected the Map Source “Custom Field” a box will appear where you will search for the custom field.
- Meta Data: this is data imported by your shopping cart and in most cases is data created by a plugin. For example, using the plugin “Advance Custom Fields” will create meta data fields for use here. After selecting “Meta Data,” selected the meta data field from the drop down.
- Recipe: these are custom built recipes in Sproxi. Once selected, select the recipe from the drop down menu.
- Tags: tags are one of the most powerful features in the field map. Tags are imported from connected shopping carts or custom created in Sproxi. After selecting “Tags” as the Map Source, you are presented with a drop-down with all the available tags in Sproxi. After selecting tags you are presented with three additional options.
- Custom Content: simply type in the custom content that Sproxi will insert into the “Google Field Map Target” when it finds products with the selected tag attached to it.
- Recipe – after selecting “recipe” you will select the appropriate recipe from the drop-down. Sproxi will then search for the selected tag, and when found, insert the chosen recipe into the Google Field selected in the Google Field Map Target.
- Google Category – this will insert the selected Google Category (taxonomy) into the selected field when the associated tag is found. This function is almost always used to map to the “Category” field in “Google Field Map Target.”

For our example, we are going to create three new “maps,” one for each tag we want Sproxi to find. In the video below, we will create two of the three mappings. For each of these new mappings we are creating, we are telling Sproxi to search through Sproxi for products with the tag “clearance,” and when it finds this tag, insert the word “exclude” into the Google field “Custom label 0.” The next mapping will search through Sproxi looking for products with the tag “liquidation,” and when it finds the products, insert the word “exclude” for the Google attribute “Custom label 0” for the the Google listing associated with that SKU. The same for the third tag “low margin” (the third map is not created in the video).

After creating all three new mappings, you’ll notice them in the table below.

It’s important to understand that Sproxi will start cycling through the mappings in the table. If there is not data available in the Map From field for a particular product, it WILL NOT insert the word “exclude” into the attribute field “Custom Label 0.”
Finally, using Adwords rules, I will create a rule that excludes products or Google listings that contain the word “exclude” in the Custom label 0 field. Click here to learn more about Google Adwords rules.
In addition to
This example showed how to map a tag to a Google field. Pretty much any data in Sproxi may be mapped to a Google attribute field in a similar process.