Understanding the Google Listings Status Table in Sproxi
This is a powerful table that offers a quick overview of the status of products in your shopping cart, status within Sproxi, and status in the Google Merchant Center. The table also offers quick ways to correct issues, and also offers click to edit each listing.
Your Google Listings will appear in two primary tables within Sproxi, the Google Listings table & the Google Listings Status table. The Google Listings table is the primary location for editing your products. Here you can write data directly into the Google Listing “Defined Value” field, as well as apply mapping. The Google Listings Status table provides an detailed status of your Google Listings.
How to Navigate to the Google Listings Status Table
Using the main Sproxi navigation, “Google Listings Status” is located under “CONNECTIONS > Google > Listings Status”

A Quick Overview of the Google Listings Status Table
When using this table, note that you can search for specific products in the search bar, sort each column, and change the number of rows seen in the data. Pagination is on the bottom left-hand side and row selection is on the bottom right-hand side.

Defining Column Header in the Google Listings Status Table
- SKU – This is the product SKU as imported from your connecting shopping cart.
- Build Type – “Variant” or “Simple” defines how this product we sent from your shopping cart to Sproxi, and what Sproxi has done with the build type. Because complex products (products with variants) cannot be sent directly to the Google Merchant Center, Sproxi will convert each variant to a simple product. In these cases, you will notice a line through the word “variant” and the word “simple” below it. This is telling you that the product has been converted from a variant to a simple product for purposes of your Google Listing.
- Channel – The shopping cart that generated the listing. In the example above, “sproxi woo demo” was the reference name used when connecting the channel to Sproxi. Mousing over the blue link icon provides more details.
- Inventory Status – This shows the product’s status is the connected store (in #3 above.) The green check means it is in stock, the red x means it is out of stock.
- Visibility – This is the visibility status as set in your shopping cart. In Woocommerce, for example, a product may be set to “hidden.” If the check mark is green, it denotes the product is visible in your store.
- Enabled – This represents the export status of the product in Sproxi. If enabled (green check) the product is set to be exported to the Google Merchant Center. If disabled (red x), the product will not export to the Google Merchant Center. This is useful if when you have specific products you do not want exported and in your actual “Google Shopping Feed.”
- Local Validation – When data in a product changes, Sproxi it must pass “local validation” before it’s eligible to be sent to the Google Merchant Center. Local validation is very basic algorithm that checks for the minimum Google requirement.
- Online Status – A green check shows the product is in the Google Merchant Center, while a red x denotes the product in not in the merchant center.
- Google Reports – When a report is received from the Google Merchant Center and a connect Google Adwords account, Sproxi will display an icon denoting the number of report available to view. A green check means there are no reports available, while a “i” icon denotes the product is not online and no reports are received.
- Actions – This icon is clickable and takes you the Google Listings details for that product. From there there is a variety of useful information for the listing.
Other Actions Available in the Google Listings Status Table
Along with #10 above (edit the listing icon) there’s a variety of useful actions availble in the Google Listings Status table.
Disable / Enable Exports to the Google Merchant Center
Enable/Disable Feed Export: as explained above (#6), the export status of products are set here. When selecting a product (checkbox next to SKU) you will notice the two buttons labeled “Enable Feed Export” (in green) and “Disable Feed Export” (in yellow). Selecting a product and checking the “Enable Feed Export” will let Sproxi know that you want this product to export to the Google Merchant Center. The opposite is true when clicking the yellow, “Disable Feed Export” button.
Removing Products from the Google Merchant Center
Sometimes products appear in your Google Merchant Center that you want to move. For example, let’s say “WIDGET-A” is no longer sold by your company, but for years you’ve been advertising it in your Google Shopping Campaign. In the past, the only way to remove the product was to visit your Merchant Center Account, find the product, and delete it from there. With Sproxi, you have the ability to perform this operation within Sproxi.
Notice "Hidden or Disabled and Hidden Products in Merchant Center"
While viewing the Google Listings Status table you may come across a notice on top of the page that looks like the screenshot below. The message is letting you know that there are active products in your Google Merchant Center account where the export status is set to “disabled” in Sproxi, and or, the product set to “Hidden” in your WooCommerce store. This can happen when you decide you no longer want to send a certain product to the Google Merchant Center but do not remove it from the Google Merchant Center, whether you disable the export status of the product or hide it in your WooCommerce store.

Inside the yellow warning box is a clickable link that will take you to the specific products that are generating this message.

In the video below, we click the blue link inside the yellow warning message to see one of the products is active in the Google Merchant Center, while the export status was set to “disabled” in Sproxi. This is typically set this way in Sproxi when you DO NOT want to export your product to the Google Merchant Center.
In this case, the action was to use the removal tool in Sproxi to remove this specific product from the Google Merchant Center.