Sproxi offers a power, robust features located in the Google Listings Field Map too that allows you to search for content in a variety of fields and then replace or add to the content.
For example, suppose you need to populate the Google attribute field “gender,” but don’t have a specific field in your shopping cart’s data set to map directly to that Google attribute field. If your not dealing with many products in Sproxi, there are some quick solutions. You could bulk edit products in Sproxi, create a custom field, and then populate each product with the correct gender, then map that in Sproxi. Another solution could directly editing your Google Listings in Sproxi using a CSV, the bulk edit tool, or edit individual products and directly write the specific gender value on what we call the “override value.”
If you are dealing with an extremely large data set, that may not be practical. We advise that you find a way inside your shopping cart, using a plugin, custom field, or attribute to create the field and apply the gender there. Re-import into Sproxi and simply map the field in the field map tool.
In this KB article, we will review the features of the “Search & Add Content or Replace” feature in the Field Map and demonstrate to examples of how this tool may be used.
Basic Overview of the Search & Add or Replace Content Mapping Tool.
Terms Used in this Feature:
- Google Field Map Target: This is the google attribute field this tool will map the resulting data to.
- Map Source: In this knowledge base article, we are discussing “Search & Add Or Replace.”
- Search in Field: This advises the what data to search in Sproxi. There are four options:
- Name (Title)
- Short Description
- Description
- Search Term: a text string you want Sproxi to look for in the “search in field” above. For example, typing “blue” in this box will instruct Sproxi to search for the word “blue” in whatever you selected in the “Search In Field” choice above.
- Apply Content: A text string you want to use in to use in this functions (examples below will help to understand this better).
- Content Location: Where you want the text string you entered in “Apply Content” to be located (also, examples will help here).
The best way to really understand this tool is to see some examples.
Start by Creating a new field map. Navigate to “YOUR CONNECTIONS > Field Map” and select the appropriate field map. NOTE: each Google account will have it’s own field map. For instance, if you have two connected Google Accounts in Sproxi, each one will have a distinct field map.
Click the blue button labeled “Go To Field Map.”

Click the green button labeled “Create New Field Map.” Next select the “Field Map Target,” which is the Google Attribute this operation will insert data into. In our example I am going to select “Brand” as the target. Next, in the “Source Data,” select “Search & Add Or Replace.” Now that we are here, I’m going to go through some example. The section that changes the functionality of this feature is the bottom box that reads “Content Location.” Each of the examples will use the different choices in this box, “Content Location” to illustrate how they work. Depending on this choice, it will make sense to change the “Field Map Target” and/or the other fields in the “Source Data” section, which will make more sense as we go through these examples.

“Search Term” is self-explanatory. This is the text you want Sproxi to search for. In my example, I am going to use the words “Carbon Fiber.” Since I selected “Name,” Sproxi will search for
Example #1 : Content Location Before
In this example, my goal is to re-write the Google Attribute field “Title,” by replacing searching through the product title and look for the phrase “Sougayilang Feeder Fishing Rod” (I know this phrase exists in some of my product titles). Sproxi starts searching through the product titles (because I selected “Name” as the “Search in Field,”) and adds the content “Before,” (add content before) the title field.
So, step by step:
- Select “Title” in the “Google Field Map Target.”
- For “Map Source” I am selecting “Search & Add Or Replace.”
- In the “Search in Field” I am selecting “Name.”
- In the “Search Term” field, I am typing in “Sougayilang Feeder Fishing Rod.”
- In the “Apply Content” field, I am typing in “An Amazing New Product, the”.
- For “Content Location,” I am selecting “Before.”

Expected Outcome for Content Location Before
Next, click the blue drop-down button labeled “Save & Preview.” You will see the field labeled “Map Preview: Title” & notice it has the phrase “An Amazing New Product, the Sougayilang Feeder Fishing Rod…” The “Apply Content” data “An Amazing New Product, the” was adding BEFORE the “name” field because if found the phrase I searched for.
This means, based on the entries above, this new title will be inserted into the Google Attribute “title” and sent out in the feed. If you are satisfied with this, in the “Map Preview Menu,” select “Approve & Activate” to apply these settings.

Example #2 : Content Location After
This is very similar to the example #2 above, with the difference being the “Apply Content” field will be inserted after the search phrase. I am going to change the “Apply Content” field so it will make a little more sense.
In this example, my goal is to re-write the Google Attribute field “Title,” by replacing searching through the product title and look for the phrase “Sougayilang Feeder Fishing Rod” (I know this phrase exists in some of my product titles). Sproxi starts searching through the product titles (because I selected “Name” as the “Search in Field,” Sproxi will add content “After,” (add content after) and adds what I write in the “Apply Content” field.
So, step by step:
- Select “Title” in the “Google Field Map Target.”
- For “Map Source” I am selecting “Search & Add Or Replace.”
- In the “Search in Field” I am selecting “Name.”
- In the “Search Term” field, I am typing in “Sougayilang Feeder Fishing Rod.”
- In the “Apply Content” field, I am typing in ” An Amazing New Product.”
- For “Content Location,” I am selecting “After.”

Expected Outcome for Content Location After
Next, click the blue drop-down button labeled “Save & Preview.” You will see the field labeled “Map Preview: Title” & notice it has the phrase “An Amazing New Product.” was added onto the end of the title. The “Apply Content” data “An Amazing Ne Product” was adding AFTER the entire title field.
This means, based on the entries above, this new title will be inserted into the Google Attribute “title” and sent out in the feed. If you are satisfied with this, in the “Map Preview Menu,” select “Approve & Activate” to apply these settings.

Example #3 : Content Location Replace All
In this case, What is typed into the “Apply Content” field will completely replace the “Search in Field” when the “Search Term” is found.
So that is might make a little more sense, I am going to change the “Google Field Map Target” and select “gender.”
When the product is clothing, Google will require the “gender” attribute. I don’t have a field or anything I can easily map to the gender attribute in my demo store, so I’m going to search for the word “men’s” for example, and when found, replace it and then insert the word “Male” in the gender field.
*NOTE: as as side note, I want to point out an important thing regarding how field maps work in Sproxi. In the example here, if Sproxi does not find the word “men’s” when searching through the name field, Sproxi will ignore that product and not insert “Male” into the gender attribute for that product. But you know there’s other products that has the word “man” in the name (title). In that case you could set up an additional field map, virtually the same as this one, but the search term would be man. Sproxi searches through products and finds “men’s” and inserts “Male” into the gender field. It does not find it in any other products. However, the next field map kicks in and Sproxi finds “man” in the name field for product #2 and inserts “male” into the gender field.
Sproxi starts searching through the product titles (because I selected “Name” as the “Search in Field,” Sproxi will replace all the content in the name field (replace all) with “Male (apply content.)
So, step by step:
- Select “Gender” in the “Google Field Map Target.”
- For “Map Source” I am selecting “Search & Add Or Replace.”
- In the “Search in Field” I am selecting “name.”
- In the “Search Term” field, I am typing in “men’s“
- In the “Apply Content” field, I am typing in “Male.”
- For “Content Location,” I am selecting “Replace All.”

Expected Outcome for Content Location Replace All
Next, click the blue drop-down button labeled “Save & Preview.” You will see the field labeled “Map Preview: Title” was replaced with “Male.” The “Apply Content” data “Male” replaced the data in the entire name field and this will be inserted into the Gender attribute field.
This means, based on the entries above, this new title will be inserted into the Google Attribute “gender” and sent out in the feed. If you are satisfied with this, in the “Map Preview Menu,” select “Approve & Activate” to apply these settings.

Example #4 : Content Location Replace Match
The easiest way to think of the “replace match” location is that the word you use in the “apply content” field will simply replace the word you use in the “search term” field (does not replace all the content in the search term field.
So that is might make a little more sense, I am going to change the “Google Field Map Target” and select “name.” In this example, the title contains this sentence “Fishing glasses Outdoor Polarized glasses Goggles Sunglasses” which doesn’t make a lot of sense. My goal will be to replace that sentence with “Polarized Fishing Sunglasses and Goggles”, but leave the rest of the title intact.
Sproxi starts searching through the product titles (because I selected “Name” as the “Search in Field,” Sproxi will replace all the content in the name field (replace match) with “Male (apply content.)
So, step by step:
- Select “Title” in the “Google Field Map Target.”
- For “Map Source” I am selecting “Search & Add Or Replace.”
- In the “Search in Field” I am selecting “name.”
- In the “Search Term” field, I am typing in “Fishing glasses Outdoor Polarized glasses Goggles Sunglasses”
- In the “Apply Content” field, I am typing in “Polarized Fishing Sunglasses and Goggles”
- For “Content Location,” I am selecting “Replace Match.”

Expected Outcome for Content Location Replace Match
Next, click the blue drop-down button labeled “Save & Preview.” You will see the field labeled “Map Preview: Title” where the original title is mostly the same, but the phrase “Fishing glasses Outdoor Polarized glasses Goggles Sunglasses” was replaced with “Polarized Fishing Sunglasses and Goggles” with the rest of the title remaining the same as it was. This new title will be inserted into the Google Title attribute field ONLY where it found the exact search phrase–all other listings will be skipped.