Sproxi goes through a process of searching for data to populate “Processed Data” in your Google Listings by searching fields as defined in the KB article “Understanding Data Priority in Your Google Listing.” Sproxi has a feature / tool to help you quickly see how the data is mapped for the “processed value” and how to efficiently change the value.
Understand How Processed Values are Determined In Sproxi
Before reading this knowledge base article, it is highly recommended to read the kb article, “Understanding ‘Defined’ & ‘Processed’ Values in Google Listings” before reading this article. Understanding this process will better help you quickly correct any listing errors and optimize your Google Listings.
What is the "Show Status" Button for When in the Google Listings Table?
Once you become familiar with the methodology Sproxi uses to determine the “Processed Values” for your Google Listings, the “Show Status” button will show how each listings is mapped. It’s a quick reference to show you how the processed data was derived and where it’s coming from.
Navigate to your Google Listings by going to “YOUR CONNECTIONS > Google Merchant > Listings.” The “Show/Hide Source Data” button is located in the upper-right hand area on the Google Listings table. Simple toggle this button to show or hide the source data icons. The video below shows this process and how the “Title” and “Description,” “Processed Values” are determined in Sproxi. Once the icons are shown, mouse over them to see more details. To further offer help, Sproxi provides a icon legend as well.
Defining the Source Legend Table in Sproxi
How to Toggle (Show) the Source Legend Table
The “Source Legend Table” toggle button is located in upper right hand area of Google Listings table. By default the legend is not shown, but with a click of the button, the legend will be shown. The short video below illustrates how to navigate to, and toggle the Source Legend table.
Defining Data Sources in the Source Legend Table
“Data Sources” is the source of the data that is the routed to the Google attribute field to define the “Processed Value” for your Google Listings. The “Processed Value” is the actual data sent by Sproxi for your Google Listings.
The easiest way to think of the “Data Source” is asking “where did the data come from?” “Did it come from a Sproxi product, a WooCommerce Listing, or Google Listing.?
Sproxi Products: when products are imported into Sproxi, the products are created in Sproxi. Once created, these products can contain field data separate from your WooCommerce Listings and Google Listings.
- Products – A simple product in Sproxi
- Product Parent – For complex or variable products in WooCommerce, this is the “Parent” created in Sproxi.
- Product Variation – this is the individual variation created in Sproxi.
Google Listing – this is data directly written into, or uploaded through a CSV file directly into the Google attribute field.
WooCommerce Listing: these listings are pulled from the connected WooCommerce store and should always mirror the listing in your actual WooCommerce store. Meaning, you change the title, the title of the respective WooCommerce Listing in Sproxi will update and change.
- WooCommerce Listing – A simple product in WooCommerce
- WooCommerce Listing Parent – For complex or variable products in WooCommerce, this is the “Parent” in the connected WooCommerce store.
- WooCommerce Listing Variation Variation – this is the individual variation in the connected WooCommerce store.
Defining Data Routes in the Source Legend Table
Where “Data Source” defines the origin for the data, the “Data Route” tells us how the data got there…what sent the data to the “Processed Value.”
- Recipe Map to Google Field: a recipe mapped through the field mapping tool
- Account Custom Field Map: a custom field from a data source (Sproxi Product) is mapped through the field mapping tool
- Account Meta Map: a meta field from a data source (WooCommece Listing) is mapped through the field mapping tool
- Custom Field Map to Product: a custom field from a data source (Sproxi Product) is mapped to selected products (Sproxi Products)
- Custom Field Map to WooCommerce Listing : a custom field from a data source (Sproxi Product) is mapped to selected WooCommerce Listings
- Actual Google Field: a value was directly input (written in or uploaded through CSV) into the Google attribute field
- Auto Generated Using Parent Title and Variant Options: Variants WooCommerce do not have titles or names. Sproxi will automatically create a name for the variant based on the parent title and variant options and use this as the “Processed Value” for the Google Title attribute
- Account Recipe Map
- Direct Field Match: some fields like SKU, stock status, price, etc. are automatically matched from the WooCommerce listing to the corresponding Google Listing.
Editing a Google Listing to See Source Data
The source data icons with tooltips are displayed beside each Google attribute field when editing a Google listing. A mouse-over each icon shows the same data as displayed in the Google Listings Table when “Source Data” is set to “Show.”