Why There's No Name Showing for a Sproxi Product

You many notice Sproxi Products (PRODUCT MANAGEMENT>Products) that don’t have a NAME showing for the product.  This happens when the “Build Type” is “Variant,” which means the product is Sproxi was created from a variant product imported from WooCommerce.  Here’s an example:

sproxi product variant no name

Under “Build Type” you’ll notice this product shows as a “Variant of 10000012920860,” which means all the information Sproxi has for this product was pulled from the Parent Product, the SKU “10000012920860.”  Although there’s no product name showing, you’ll notice the Google Listing (that Sproxi created) has a Title for the listing.  For example, see the image below.

sprox google listing title for variant

You will notice here that there’s a title for that same SKU showing.  Sproxi scanned looked in the Google Listing as saw nothing was mapped or written into the “Title” field.  Next it looked to see if there was anything mapped at the Global level (Field Map).  Next, it looked to see if it could find a value for this variation’s title (name) in the WooCommerce listing–nothing there.  As a last step, it checked the Sproxi product field for name and could find anything there either.  Finally, knowing this product is a variation, Sproxi used the variant’s parent’s name and added the attribute used to create the variation to create a “Title.”  This is sent as a “Processed Value” in your Google Listing feed.

If your plan is to map the WooCommerce attribute used to create this variation to a Google Attribute field in Sproxi, then you really don’t need to do anything else since Google Shopping will present ALL of the variants associated with this Parent as a variation in Google Shopping, as long as this type of variation is supported.  See this article for additional info:   https://sproxi.com/knowledge-base/mapping-variation-attributes-google-attributes/

If you want to keep these products as simple products in Google Shopping, we recommend you change the title for this Google Listings in one of the variety of ways offered by Sproxi.

NOTE*: we recommend you take a moment and read https://sproxi.com/knowledge-base/google-listings/ to understand how the data is processed in your Google Listings.