Set Up Connections in Easy to Follow Steps Without Having to Install Plugins or 3rd Party Applications
With simple clicks of a button, set up your WooCommerce & Shopify accounts quickly & easily. We use APIs to connect to your shopping cart, Facebook, & Google accounts so you won’t have 3rd party plugins or apps to install.
Set Up is Quick & Easy
Follow our setup guides in the Knowledge Base to connect your shopping carts, Facebook & Google accounts to Sproxi. In a few seconds, start importing your products to Sproxi & have new Google Listings ready to export to Google.
No Plugins or 3rd Party Apps to Install
Website speed is important. Do not risk installing poorly written code from plugins or 3rd party apps because the safety & security of your website is more important today than ever.
Sproxi uses the latest APIs from your shopping cart, Facebook & Google to minimize the impact on your resources while also ensuring your listings are up to date. Many "feed" tools are server resource hogs by updating once per day. Not only does this put a strain on your server, this methods means your listings are not up to date. Using the Sproxi API, your server is never strained & your listings are always updated in real time.

Let’s face it, it’s a little risky when you have to install a plugin on your WordPress/WooCommerce store. Having to ensure that updates do not conflict or the code from recent updates don’t slow down your ecommerce website is a concern in the back of our minds. A slight code change to your theme or even WooCommerce could break 3rd party plugins or apps.
Sproxi connects to your accounts using an API, meaning there’s no app, plugin, or code to install in your store that could possibly break it, or slow it down. After your listings are imported into Sproxi, we use webhooks from your shopping cart to update your products and listings in Sproxi to minimize the impact on your site, while ensuring changes are made in real-time.