Ensure Your Google Listing Are Always Up to Date
Maintain the Quality of Your Google Listings
Using our state of the art API, Sproxi ensures your Google Listing are ALWAYS up to date. Stop waiting for bulk updates from your Google Feed plugin…Sproxi sends them immediately, while also providing you a way to turn immediate updates off.
No Plugins Or 3rd Party Apps to Install
Stop worrying about plugins or 3rd party apps you have to install on your WooCommerce or Shopify Store. With Sproxi, connect quickly using APIs to minimize risk and impact on your eCommerce store.
Changes Are Updated in Real Time
Cancelled orders are a headache. Mismatched pricing is an issue. With Sproxi, changes are immediately sent to the Google Merchant Center to ensure stock status & pricing are always up to date. You can control whether all, select, or no products are exported to the merchant center. Need to change the title of a Google listing, no problem? Need to rewrite the product description of a Google Listing, not an issue. With Sproxi, these changes are immediately sent to the Google Merchant Center.
Control What Products Are Exported to Google
Sproxi allows you to control at the Global and specific product level what products you WANT and DON'T WANT to export to the Google Merchant Center. Not only can you make this decision, you can also remove products from the merchant center inside the Sproxi application.