Easy to Use Tools to Create and Optimze a Google Feed.
After importing your products, your feed is quickly created. Sproxi’s built-in validation tools quickly checks for compatibility or potential feed errors, allowing you correct these issues prior to exporting your feed.
100% Feed Customization
Want to Optimize Google Feed? There are a variety of ways you can continue improving & optimizing your feed though Sproxi. Whether you directly write optimize content specific for your feed listings, map customized data, or use our recipe & token platform, optimization has never been easier.
Continuous Monitoring of Notices & Alerts
Sproxi is continuously querying the Google Merchant Center, Adwords account, and Facebook for reports, notifications, and errors. These are aggregated in Sproxi at the error level so you can quickly correct these errors for effected products. These notices are also logged at the single listing level as well. With this data, you can quickly isolate problems and correct them.

Although we believe Sproxi offers one of the easiest to use tools on the market to quickly create your data feed, the ability to continuously “cleanup” & optimize your feed is where we really shine. Customize fields may be created in Sproxi for data that may be missing in your shopping cart and used for your shopping feeds. In addition to this, recipes made with static and dynamic data may be applied to all products, a select group of products, or single products.
You also have the ability in Sproxi to directly write to your individual listings. For example, you can start optimizing by mapping shopping cart attributes to Google feed attributes. This will map the attribute to all products listings. Next, you may decide that you want to start writing individual titles and descriptions for your top products. These products will use this custom writing data in the feed, while the others will continue using the mappings.