Real Time Status & Error Reporting

Project Description

Be Proactive - Use Sproxi for Real Time Alerts


Alerts from the Google Merchant Center & Adwords go unnoticed.  Often times they do not get noticed until your ad revenue drops.  Sproxi’s “Local Validation” and alerting system from Google & Facebook notifies you in real time of problems BEFORE they turn into BIG problems.  Use these alerts, along with Sproxi’s custom tools to quickly correct these problems before they cost you money!

User Notifications

Sproxi continuously monitors changes to products/listings so you are aware, in real-time, of your listings status.

Local Validation

When a product changes, Sproxi runs the product against its internal algorithm to ensure it meets Google minimum requirements.

Google Reports

Google will send informational, warnings, and notices of your product in the Google Merchant Center & Adwords account. Sproxi compiles these at the product level & aggregates them by error type.

Activity Monitor

Along with User Notifications, Sproxi monitors changes to products & logs these changes, as well as logs internal events.

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Sproxi uses algorithms & real-time reporting to keep you alert to the status of your Google listings.   The platform is continuously checking internal & external sources to ensure your listings are working as planned.  

All reporting is aggregated by type with the ability to expand the error type to isolate specific problems.   Using our built-in customization, bulk editing, custom fields & recipe features enable you to quickly correct any issues. Click here to learn a little more about Sproxi real-time alerts & monitoring.

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